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cmap.Color #

Class to represent a single color.

Instances of this class are immutable and cached (based on the rgba tuple), you can compare them with is.


Name Type Description Default
value str, tuple, list, array, Color, or int

The color to represent. Can be any "ColorLike".


alpha: float property #

Return the alpha value.

hex: str property #

Return the color as hex.

hsl: HSLA property #

Return the color as Hue, Saturation, Lightness.

hsv: HSVA property #

Return the color as Hue, Saturation, Value.

name: str | None property #

Return the color as name.

rgba: RGBA property #

Return the color as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) tuple in 0-1 range.

rgba8: RGBA8 property #

Return the color as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) tuple in 0-255 range.

rgba_string: str property #

Return the color as an 'rgba(r, g, b, a)' string; 0-255 range.

__repr__() -> str #

Return a string representation of the color.

__rich_repr__() -> Any #

Provide a rich representation of the color, with color swatch.

__str__() -> str #

Return a string representation of the color.